Critical Success Factors influencing the Knowledge Management of SME’s in Textile Industry


  • Mr.P.Vamsi Krishna Asst.Professor, Department of Management Sciences, RVR & JC College of Engineering, Guntur, India.
  • Dr. T. Sreenivas Dean & Professor, Department of Business Management, Yogivemana University, Kadapa, India.


knowledge management, learning, organizational performance, effective knowledge.


In the current climate of increasing global competition, the value of Knowledge and learning in improving organizational competence cannot be overestimated. Managers are attempting to use Knowledge to sustain organizational performance and to gain market share. Effective Knowledge Management is indeed critical, as SMEs strive to enhance their competency and to gain economic edge. The knowledge that is available within the organization is to be managed to improve organization efficiency. Such an environment and culture will deliberately and systematically help to share information and knowledge with each other, which will reduce error, save valuable planning time, and better, individual and organizational performance.

Knowledge Management (KM) is a critical area for small business managers in today's competitive environment. Thus, this research paper seeks to evaluate KM success factor or Enablers as a source of sustainable competitive advantage for SMEs in Textile Industry. A study has been carried out on a sample to test the reliability and validity factors. The questionnaires were administered individually, which used five point Likert scale, the collected data was scored, coded and analyzed on the dimensions of the scale. The data was analyzed using the statistical technique using SPSS 18.0 software which includes Factor Analysis.


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How to Cite

Mr.P.Vamsi Krishna, & Dr. T. Sreenivas. (2021). Critical Success Factors influencing the Knowledge Management of SME’s in Textile Industry. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 5(4(9), 115–125. Retrieved from


