Do Personal Factors Predict Entrepreneurial Intention: An Exploration?


  • Saima Nazir Research Scholar, Department of Management Studies, Central University of Kashmir, India
  • Dr. Mushtaq Ahmad Lone Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies, Central University of Kashmir, India


Entrepreneurship, Social factors, personal factors, entrepreneurial intention, antecedents


The present paper argues that the personal factors are most important to the entrepreneurial intention. The present study attempted to understand the influence of personal factors on entrepreneurial intention of an individual through the intention model. The Theory of Planned Behaviour presents the conceptual framework for this study. The sample for the study comprises of the university students across Jammu and Kashmir (J&K). The SPSS was used for data analyses. The regression analysis was performed on the data. The results indicate that the attitude towards behaviour and perceived behavioural control has shown significant relationship with entrepreneurial intention. This is attributed to the various dynamics occurring in the business system like changing societal styles, government policies, financial crunches, and optimistic and supporting environment. The attitude towards behavior, one of the antecedents in Theory of Planned Behaviour has most influence on entrepreneurial intention than perceived behavior control. The findings indicate that the entrepreneurial intention is affected by personal factors irrespective of other environment factors. The implication of the findings is discussed in detail.


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How to Cite

Saima Nazir, & Dr. Mushtaq Ahmad Lone. (2021). Do Personal Factors Predict Entrepreneurial Intention: An Exploration?. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 5(3(2), 10–17. Retrieved from


