Service Quality Specification Gap in Public Transport Service: A Case Study of Uttar Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation


  • Mohd. Imran Siddiquei Research Scholar, AIMA- AMU, Aligarh Assistant Professor, ACET, Aligarh, India


Gap analysis, Service quality, Employee perceptions, Manager perceptions, UPSRTC


Uttar Pradesh Road transport system is essentially bus oriented. Both public & private operators are playing important role in providing transport services to such large population of Uttar Pradesh. However, the Herculean task of providing cheap & safe journey lies with Uttar Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation. Over the years Uttar Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation has been battling with numerous issues ranging from mounting losses to outdated technology which ultimately impacting its service quality to passengers. There are seven major gaps in the service quality concept. This research tries to investigate service quality specification gap (Management perceptions versus service specifications) given by Parasuraman, Ziethmal & Berry in their Service Quality Gap model. Service quality specification gap is internal to the service provider hence require internal Measurement. The case study method has been employed to ascertain service quality specification gap by incorporating insights from the interviews of those who are important stakeholders (Regional Managers, Service Managers, Asst. Regional Managers, SSi , Foreman , Conductors , Drivers) in service delivery process of Upsrtc. The research results show significant perception mismatches between Higher Management, Regional Heads, Frontline Managers & Lower staff. Our findings provide that Higher Management & Employees were failed to identify service quality attributes that were important for Customers.


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How to Cite

Mohd. Imran Siddiquei. (2021). Service Quality Specification Gap in Public Transport Service: A Case Study of Uttar Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 5(3(2), 01–09. Retrieved from


