Influence of Word of Mouth in Creating Brand Loyalty


  • Dhanyasree VK Postgraduate Student, Department of Commerce, Sb College, Changannasery, Kerala, India
  • Jisha S. Kumar Department of Commerce, Sree Krishna College, Guruvayur, Kerala, India


Brand, Brand Loyalty, Word of Mouth, Word of Mouth Marketing


Brand loyalty is a customer’s favourable attitude towards a brand and likelihood of consistent purchase. It is the degree to which a buying unit such as household concentrates its purchases over time on a particular brand within a product category. A good word of mouth (WOM) can create brand loyalty, as people may believe what they receive first from their friends and, or relatives. Hundred households belonging to different age group, income level, and educational qualification constituted the sample and are personally interviewed. Results revealed that most of the people have strong passion towards certain brands, especially in case of consumer durables and such a loyalty is generated first from WOM.


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How to Cite

Dhanyasree VK, & Jisha S. Kumar. (2021). Influence of Word of Mouth in Creating Brand Loyalty. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 5(3(1), 133–139. Retrieved from


