Divergence of Financial Inclusion: Rural Vs. Urban in Arunachal Pradesh – An Analysis of Supply Side


  • Sanjeeb K Jena Professor, Department of Commerce, Rajiv Gandhi University, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh, India
  • Likha Eichir Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Commerce, Rajiv Gandhi University, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh, India


Financial Inclusion, Supply Side, Banking Outreach, Arunachal Pradesh, Banking, Credit, Insurance


“India is a country of villages” is a proverbial line only if we count the growth and development in the country. The bitter truth is the exclusion of most of the rural areas from the mainstream financial system which ultimately lead to poverty and exploitation. Therefore, financial inclusion is one of the strongest tool in up-lifting the economic conditions of the rural masses as banks help in mobilising the savings and incomes in profitable channels and also providing access to credit and insurance against the risk. But the divergence of banking outreach in rural and urban areas is a reason for more people as excluded in rural areas than urban. This is more relevant to the economy of Arunachal Pradesh when the region is yet to exploit the full banking potentials for productive purposes. The present paper tries to study the divergence of the banking outreach among rural and urban areas of Arunachal Pradesh.


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How to Cite

Sanjeeb K Jena, & Likha Eichir. (2021). Divergence of Financial Inclusion: Rural Vs. Urban in Arunachal Pradesh – An Analysis of Supply Side. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 5(3(1), 72–82. Retrieved from https://researchersworld.com/index.php/ijms/article/view/1661


