Organization Effectiveness as outcome of Ethical Leadership in Higher Education: A Qualitative Content Analysis
ethical leadership, organization effectiveness, qualitative analysis, educationAbstract
The purpose of the paper is to analyse the impact of ethical leadership on faculty and student satisfaction measuring organization effectiveness in Higher education institution. This paper is based on qualitative study and in-depth exploratory semi-structured interviews in higher education institute. Total of 20 academicians at different hierarchical levels purposefully selected participated in the study. Conventional qualitative content analysis is used to analyse the data. After analysis of interview data, two main categories and nine sub-categories emerged. Main categories were faculty satisfaction and student satisfaction. Sub categories includes role modelling, creating healthy environment, professional development, communication, fairness, participation, student career development, student personal development and effective teaching methods. Element of ethicality is crucial attribute of academic leaders in education institution for attaining organization effectiveness. The ethical behaviour of academic leaders elevates faculty & student satisfaction measuring effectiveness of organization.
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