Customers’ Perception on Green Banking Practices of State Bank of India: A SWOC Analysis


  • Dr. Gobinda Deka Associate Professor, Department of Banking, CKB Commerce College, Jorhat, Assam, India.


ATM, Eco-friendly, GCCs, Green Banking Practices, Internet Banking


The environment and climate change are the most complicated issues the world is facing today. However, the most serious problem the human beings facing during the present days is manmade environmental degradation. Hence, there have been continuous endeavors across the globe to measure and mitigate this problem caused by human activities. Conscious people are trying to make their activities ‘green’ today and they are taking necessary steps for the benefits of present population as well as the posterity. Banks as responsible corporate citizens are also adopting remarkable steps all over the world to address this problem. They are adopting a variety of green banking practices so that they can make little contribution towards the environment. Green practices of banks are the efforts of the banking sector to keep the environment green and to minimize the greenhouse effects. This paper discusses about customers’ perspectives on the adoption and usage of various green banking practices introduced by the banks in the state of Assam in India. It is observed that green banking practices have positive impact on the environment because adoption these practices by the customers may results saving of energy, fuel, paper, water, time as well as money. This study concludes with the statement that “green banking practices are not only feasible, they are now becoming essential”.


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How to Cite

Dr. Gobinda Deka. (2021). Customers’ Perception on Green Banking Practices of State Bank of India: A SWOC Analysis. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 5(Spl Issue 1), 29–42. Retrieved from


