To Study the Influence of Gender and Income on Individual’s Online Shopping Continuance Intention on for Consumer Electronics


  • Ms. Smita Dayal K. J. Somaiya College of Arts and Commerce, Mumbai University, India.
  • Dr. Deelip Palsapure K. J. Somaiya College of Arts and Commerce, Mumbai University, India.


continuance intention, expectation confirmation theory, SmartPls 3, technology adoption model


The purpose of this paper is to study the factors that contribute to an individual’s online shopping continuance intention on with respect to consumer electronics. The study also examines how gender and income moderates these factors. It aims to examine the effects of marketing strategies, service quality, relative price, advantage, trust, through a path model derived conceptually from the Expectation Confirmation model and Technology Adoption model. The research is based on a rather small sample size of 146 respondents though it does consider both genders almost equally and all relevant age groups to provide a clear understanding. The data was collected using non-probabilistic, convenience-based approach. The study will help online marketers in devising effective marketing strategies and building customer loyalty which is rather low in this era of online shopping. The research contributes in enhancing the understanding of the drivers of online shopping continuance intention based on gender and income differences.


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How to Cite

Ms. Smita Dayal, & Dr. Deelip Palsapure. (2021). To Study the Influence of Gender and Income on Individual’s Online Shopping Continuance Intention on for Consumer Electronics. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 5(Spl Issue 1), 01–09. Retrieved from


