Challenges faced by students in e-learning: An empirical Study


  • Dr. Khan Rumana A. Asst. Prof. J.A.T. Arts, Science and Commerce College (for Women), Malegaon, India


E-education, distance learning, World Wide Web, E-learning


Providing training and education to masses on a large scale for the economic survival and for meeting the dynamic needs of society, and also for meeting the special requirements of individuals, it is important to have a dynamic education system too. It is just not possible to do all of this through a convention model of education or the brick and mortar institutions. Internet is being widely used for improving collaboration, communication, promotion of active learning, sharing of the resources and delivering education in the mode of distance learning. E-learning, distance education and virtual universities provide the expected solution-education could be taken as latest for distance learning which could be mediated through state of the art technologies such as World Wide Web and internet. In the recent years, a lot of educational institutions have been providing online services for virtual learning environment, admissions, etc. for facilitating lifelong learning process. A sample of 180 respondents in which 58.89% “male” and 41.11% “female” has been considered by a “standard questionnaire” created on five-point interval scale.


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How to Cite

Dr. Khan Rumana A. (2021). Challenges faced by students in e-learning: An empirical Study. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 5(Spl Issue 2), 101–106. Retrieved from


