Impact of Special Economic Zone on Indian Economy


  • Bhaskar UGC NET Qualified, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, St. Xavier College, Maharo, S.K.M. University, Dumka, India.


Investment, Zone, Financial Development


Special Economic Zones (SEZ’s) is the most discussed and disputed topic in India. It is one of the export promotion schemes of the Government of India. The Special Economic Zone is a geographical region which has more liberal economic laws from those that prevail in the national territory. SEZ projects should be started in backward area for development of regional equilibrium. In Asia, India was one of the first countries to recognize the effectiveness of the Export Processing Zone (EPZ) model in promoting exports. First EPZ was set up in Kandla in 1965. SEZ units are self-contained and integrated having their own infrastructure and support services. Usually the main goal of SEZ is to increase foreign investment and enhanced economic development. Any private, public, joint sector or state government can set up SEZ.

In this paper on attempt is made to study the impact of SEZ’s on Indian economy. The paper is based on secondary data. The impact of SES’z on different sectors is examined in the paper.


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How to Cite

Bhaskar. (2021). Impact of Special Economic Zone on Indian Economy. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 5(Spl Issue 2), 64–70. Retrieved from


