Value and Risk: An Overview


  • Koustav Roy Part-time Faculty, Department of Commerce, Raja Rammohan Roy Mahavidyalaya, Khanakul, Hooghly,West Bengal, India.


business environment, value, risk, investor


In this dynamic business environment, creation and preservation of investment value are gradually becoming one of the most challenging work to a financial manager or to an investor. Internal business factors play a vital role on this aspect besides the market factors as a whole. The past event of grate recession (2008) and the failure of some gigantic companies lead us to a common fact that sustainable value of a firm or investments not only depend on market as a whole but also its internal factors are more responsible for it. Some time unlimited grid makes us unscrupulous and we invest our money somewhere, where return is high but we don’t consider the internal high risk attach with it. The huge risk taking may not be good for all time as sometime this risk bring good return in short run but ultimately destroy our investment value in long term. So, proper care must be taken on internal risk factors during any investment decision with firm. On this backdrop this conceptual work is designed to guide the managers and prosperous investors in their investment decision. This work explores a vast body of literatures describing the factor that affects the value of a firm or investment all-over the world.


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How to Cite

Koustav Roy. (2021). Value and Risk: An Overview. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 5(Spl Issue 2), 11–20. Retrieved from


