Role of Demographic Variable Education Level of the Rural Consumer on Consumer Innovativeness in Rural Mobile Telecom Services


  • Shashikantha Reddy Y School of Management Studies, REVA University, Rukmini Knowledge park, Kattiganahalli, Yelahanka, Bengaluru, India.
  • Dr.Geetha M Rajaram Global Institute of Management Sciences, Rajarajeshwari Nagar, Bangalore, India.


Consumer innovativeness, rural consumer, service attributes satisfaction, loyalty, product involvement, opinion leadership, venturesomeness, price insensitivity


Consumer innovativeness is highly regarded tool being used by the marketers for successful diffusion of innovation with the intention to ensure overall profitability and to attain competitive advantage. This study has been conducted to measure consumer innovativeness of rural mobile telecom services among rural consumers, the study followed the quantitative research approach, empirical based and each construct is measured and quantified to understand the magnitude of relation among the other constructs. The various constructs are service attributes satisfaction, innovation and uniqueness, satisfaction, loyalty, product involvement, opinion leadership, venturesomeness, price insensitivity related to rural consumer innovativeness have been considered for this study. The existing rural mobile consumers in the states of Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh have been considered as the target population to collect samples  followed survey research method, in turn, the Questionnaire as data collection method,   sample design is stratified random sample based on various pockets in the state of Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka. In Data analysis   both descriptive statistics and inferential statistics are used in this research.The results of the study open the discussion on impact of consumer innovativeness for rural telecom services, which may be helpful for telecom service providers to reach and serve the rural consumers effectively and profitably.


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How to Cite

Shashikantha Reddy Y, & Dr.Geetha M Rajaram. (2021). Role of Demographic Variable Education Level of the Rural Consumer on Consumer Innovativeness in Rural Mobile Telecom Services. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 5(Spl Issue 3), 131–137. Retrieved from


