A Study on Factors Influencing Job Stress among Transport Corporation Employees in Kumbakonam
Stress, Transport corporation, Job satisfaction, Coping strategiesAbstract
Stress is a non-specific demand on the individual’s body or mind to adapt a change physically or psychologically. The term stress is utilized to depict the sentiment of a man who is required to go astray from typical to self wanted working in the work put as the aftereffect of chances, limitations or requests identifying with conceivably imperative business related outcomes. The impact of stress in the workplace on the workers physical health, mental well-being and effectiveness in the workplace has been increasingly documented in recent years. Stress is an incidence that must be recognized and addressed in various professions, transport corporation profession is not an exception. This study aims at investigating the influencing factors and its effect on employee stress in transport corporation . Further the researcher has identified the relation between coping strategies and dimensions of employee stress outcomes. Researcher has chosen a sample size of 390 employees for the study. Questionnaire was used to collected Primary data from the respondents. The collected data was analyzed using chisquare, ANOVA and correlation analysis. According to the descriptive analysis of this study the dimension job satisfaction has the highest influence over the coping skills practiced by the respondents.
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