Searching a Model for Better Health Service to the Rural Indian: A Comparative Study on PPP and Private Diagnostic Centers in West Bengal with Special Reference to Purba Midnapore District


  • Dr.Brajaballav Pal Assistant Professor Department of Commerce with Farm Management, Vidyasagar University, Midnapore, West Bengal, India.
  • Mr.Mrinal Maity Research Scholar Department of Business Administration Vidyasagar University, Midnapore, West Bengal, India.


Public Private Partnership, Satisfaction, Patients, Null Hypothesis


In this study, we have made an attempt for searching a model for better health service to the rural Indians. It is unearth that before the introduction of PPP-based diagnosis centers, people have to use private diagnosis centers by spending more money. Introduction of PPP unit reduce out of pocket expenditure no doubt. But it is the proper time to evaluate the service actually they provide and such evaluation can be done by the measurement of satisfaction level of the patients who are taking services from these units. In this study, parameters used to measure the satisfaction levels of patients include Pathological test, CT scan, USG, digital X-ray, dialysis which are running under PPP.  We interviewed 270 patients with structured questionnaire using 5 point Likert scale and also considered only such patients those having the experience on both PPP and private diagnosis services. Here, Cronbach’s Alpha for reliability of data, descriptive statistics and also Wilcoxon test have used to know any difference in perception about satisfaction between PPP and Private diagnostic center. It is found from the result of Wilcoxon test (at 95% confidence level) that in most of the cases (i.e., in 77 per cent cases) there was significant difference in perception about satisfaction level between PPP and private diagnostic center.  Moreover, patients are inclined to the private diagnostic centers ignoring the higher prices of the private centers. It is also apparent from the result that they are only satisfied with PPP model for their price structure.


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How to Cite

Dr.Brajaballav Pal, & Mr.Mrinal Maity. (2021). Searching a Model for Better Health Service to the Rural Indian: A Comparative Study on PPP and Private Diagnostic Centers in West Bengal with Special Reference to Purba Midnapore District. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 5(Spl Issue 3), 67–77. Retrieved from


