Flow Theory and Offline Shopping Behaviour of Gen X


  • Dr. Sarabjot Singh Assistant Professor, Kathua Campus, University of Jammu, India


Religious groups, Status consciousness, Companion opinion, Need for touch, Shopping behaviour


Purpose: The purpose of this research paper is to observe different determinants of shopping behaviour and the moderated effect of ethnic groups in Indian culture. It uses flow theory to understand the shopping behaviour determinants. So, the importance of offline retailing is generalized among Generation X consumers in Indian aspect. Research methods and design: The data was collected from six religious groups (Sikh, Hindu, Muslim, Christian and Buddhist), and scale was developed for multi-dimensional shopping behaviour. The samples are belong to Generation X (age 35 to 55 years). Findings: The research model investigates the relevant relationship between these constructs by using a structural equation modeling approach, which reveals that status consciousness, need for touch and companion opinion are significant determinants of shopping behaviour. Conclusions: The results reveal that the Indian culture is composite in nature and because of which there is no difference between different religious groups in their preference for three shopping behaviour determinants, viz., status consciousness, need for touch and companion opinion. Significance of the study: Organized retailers working in India, and especially in Jammu region have lack of cultural preference and knowledge, because of adaptation of western world marketing philosophies in multicultural societies like India. The outbreak of shopping behaviour as a multi-dimensional constructs help the retailers to understand the religious group preferences for FMGC goods, white goods, apparel, jewellery, watches and shoes.


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How to Cite

Dr. Sarabjot Singh. (2021). Flow Theory and Offline Shopping Behaviour of Gen X. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 5(1(2), 65–75. Retrieved from https://researchersworld.com/index.php/ijms/article/view/1564


