Role of HR in Change Management – A Comparative Analysis of Indian and Foreign Companies


  • Dr. Nirmala M. Sr.Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies, Canara Bank School of Management Studies, Central College Campus Bangalore Central University, Bangalore, India
  • Dr. Uma Devi Ananth Associate Professor, Department of Management Studies(MBA), City College, Jayanagar, Bangalore, India


Change Management, HR Practices, Firm Ownership, HR Readiness, HR Competency


HR has moved away from its traditional role and the need of the business is that HR should become a more Strategic player. Today Change is seen as the new norm in the present business environment, rightly described by the term VUCA, volatile, uncertain, complex and Ambiguous, HR should be proactive in sensing the changes that the business could face and adopting policies and practices to address them. This research aims at finding the Role of HR in managing Change and also critically analyses the HR Readiness to Change management between Indian(domestic) and foreign firms. There is a paradigm shift in HR competences required for handling the present and upcoming challenges.  Firm Ownership is viewed as a determinant in the design of HR strategy, policy and practices formation. This research finds that there are significant differences between Indian and Foreign Companies in the areas of HR Involvement in Change Management, Pre-implementation, Training for Change, Post-implementation and HR Competency Development. However it was found that there are no significant differences only in the Transition Stage. It can be concluded that though there are differences, the variance lies basically in the extent of implementation of these practices. Further research could be carried out extending it to include other sectors, region-wise segregation of foreign companies, different structures of firm ownership, like public sector, Joint ventures, family-owned businesses etc.


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How to Cite

Dr. Nirmala M., & Dr. Uma Devi Ananth. (2021). Role of HR in Change Management – A Comparative Analysis of Indian and Foreign Companies. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 5(Spl Issue 4), 102–113. Retrieved from


