Knowledge Management: A Study on the Role of Teacher in Sharing the Knowledge using New ICT Tools


  • P. Haripriya Research Scholar, Management, Rayalaseema University, A.P., India
  • Dr. N.S. Chakravarthy Associate Professor in Management, Bhavans Vivekananda College, Sainikpuri, Secunderabad, India


Knowledge management, teacher, student, transformation, experience, quality and ICT tools


Applications of skills, experience, creative and intelligent ideas and so on are a kind of knowledge skills. These skills are applied by the learners and teachers as a part of Knowledge Management. Its main interest of elevating attitude depends on imparting quality education with values through full attention on topics for the discussion. Most of the people perceive that the management means something related to business and administration, but the paper presents Knowledge Management, as being management which exposes the knowledge and experience of the teacher and also the skill and interest of the learner as adding factors to achieve their success. The transformation of thought and experiences in imparting quality education to the students is the biggest debate today in the educational institutions where the management concentrates on the result with high percentage and the parents are exposed to know the class of the ward. But both are least bothered about the standard of the ward in terms of quality .To prevail over this constraint the teachers and students aim to foster for right direction with the help of using ICT tools to build the trust. New ICT tools create an opportunity for a teacher to learn new skills or up-skill them.


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How to Cite

P. Haripriya, & Dr. N.S. Chakravarthy. (2021). Knowledge Management: A Study on the Role of Teacher in Sharing the Knowledge using New ICT Tools. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 5(Spl Issue 4), 92–96. Retrieved from


