CSR 2.0 – Through the Lens of Engagement and Measurement


  • S. Gaayathri Student, Department of Management & Commerce Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, India
  • Dr. U. Suma Rao Associate Professor, Department of Management & Commerce Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, India


CSR, India, impact measurement, methods, characteristics


The paper, by employing qualitative research, aims to study the CSR 2.0 environment in India by mapping the characteristics of social impact measurement methods employed by the top 50 Indian CSR companies in relation to their current engagement level in CSR. By doing so, it seeks to highlight the prominent features applied by the companies in measuring impact and to understand the methods that could be employed by them in the future in order to move this area of research from a simple concept to a developmental one. In this process, the paper also focuses on pertinent factors such as the key driver of CSR in India, the application of the concept of ‘shared value’, the central activities undertaken and their geographical focus, and their corresponding fit into a model of social responsibility. The study recommends a thorough understanding of the length and breadth of this topic facilitated by more primary source inputs in order to move this area of research to the next level. Also, an in-depth study of the various benefits and disadvantages faced by the Indian companies on this front have been overlooked which can be taken up for further research. While Indian CSR dives into numerous areas, future researchers can take up detailed studies on social impacts and their measurement methods that can be employed in a certain area since a standardized measure for all the areas is near impossible owing to their diversity.


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How to Cite

S. Gaayathri, & Dr. U. Suma Rao. (2021). CSR 2.0 – Through the Lens of Engagement and Measurement. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 5(Spl Issue 4), 80–91. Retrieved from https://researchersworld.com/index.php/ijms/article/view/1543


