Service Quality in Post Office Saving Banks (A Study of Investors’ Perceptions and Expectations of Udaipur City using SERVQUAL Model)


  • Prof. P.K. Singh Professor, Department of Banking and Business Economics, University College of Commerce & Management Studies, MLSU, Udaipur, India
  • Komal Pancholi Research Scholar, Department of Banking and Business Economics, University College of Commerce & Management Studies, MLSU, Udaipur, India


SERVQUAL, POSB, service quality


Perception of investor is an essential element for the success of service firms like Post Office Savings Bank (POSB). The quality of service has become an important aspect of investors perception. This study endeavors to discover the impact of service quality on investors’ perceptions in Post Office Savings Banks of Udaipur City using SERVQUAL model. Five dimensions in service quality (SERVQUAL) such as Tangibility, Reliability, Responsiveness, Empathy, and Assurance (Parasuraman, 1985) are considered as the base for this study. A structured questionnaire with 5 point Likert scale has been used to collect the data by conducting survey. The sample size is 50 and is chosen on convenient basis. Results of the study show that all five service factors i.e. Tangibility, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance and Empathy, significantly and positively influence investors’ attitudes in terms of satisfaction. The study found that investors’ expectations are higher then what they perceived on almost all statements, which is not good for POSB. It is concluded that service quality dimensions are crucial for investors’ perceptions and expectations on service quality in Post Office Saving Banks of Udaipur City.



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How to Cite

Prof. P.K. Singh, & Komal Pancholi. (2021). Service Quality in Post Office Saving Banks (A Study of Investors’ Perceptions and Expectations of Udaipur City using SERVQUAL Model). International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 5(1(2), 37–44. Retrieved from


