Women Entrepreneurship: Journey and Contributions for Economic Development in India


  • Dr. Anil Sardana Associate Professor, Department of Commerce, Shaheed Bhagat Singh College (University of Delhi), India.


Women Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial journey, Social norms, Development


Economic, cultural, social and psychological factors are the determining factors for emergence of entrepreneurship in any country. It is believed that the women entrepreneurs are growing at a faster speed in terms of entrepreneurial population worldwide.  However, it differs both in terms of practice as well as research.   In India, after the economic liberalization  and globalization the women entrepreneurship has gained a lot of importance. The government has developed the policy and institutional framework to improve the skills of women by providing them needed education and training to empower them economically.  However, still women share is not more than one-third of economic enterprises. In spite of the rapid growth in the field of women entrepreneurship, there is less evidence of research made on this subject. Literature review reveals limited work has been done in this field and there is still a long way to go to build a strong theoretical base as far as research on women entrepreneurship is concerned. The need is felt to build transactional network to enable the growth of the women enterprises in the country.  For this purpose, it is necessary to develop professional communities.

This paper will try to understand the concept, journey and challenges of women entrepreneurship In India. This will also study various success stories and the contributions made by women entrepreneurs for the economic development in India. This concept based introductory paper aims to outline the previous researches made, by referring to the literature review available on women enterprises and entrepreneurs in India. An effort will be made to understand the various challenges being faced and the view of the government as well as support provided by them to meet such challenges.  The paper will attempt to make some suggestions to achieve the objectives of economic development with the help of women entrepreneurship.


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How to Cite

Dr. Anil Sardana. (2021). Women Entrepreneurship: Journey and Contributions for Economic Development in India. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 6(1(4), 111–117. Retrieved from https://researchersworld.com/index.php/ijms/article/view/1398


