Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Managerial Effectiveness: A Study of Public and Private Sector Bank Managers in West Bengal


  • Binay Krishna Halder Research Scholar, Department of MBM, University of Calcutta, India
  • Dr. Madhumita Mohanty Professor, Department of Masters of Human Resource Management, IISWBM, India.


Emotional Intelligence, Managerial Effectiveness, Banking Sectors, Managers


This study aims toidentifythe relationship between emotional intelligence and managerial effectiveness among the managers of various public and private sector banks of West Bengal, India. The sample was taken from three public (State Bank of India, Allahabad Bank, and United Bank of India) and three private (ICICI, HDFC, and AXIS) sector banks of West Bengal. A survey was conducted using a total of 566 respondents. Research tools include Emotional Intelligence test developed by Dr. N. K. Chadha & Dr. D. Singh (2003) and the Managerial Effectiveness test developed by Prof. S. Gupta (1996). Data analysis (t- test, correlation and regression analysis) was done using SPSS 20. The results revealed a statistically significant positive correlation between emotional intelligence and managerial effectiveness. The results expressed that Emotional Intelligence is a significant predictor of Managerial Effectiveness. This study can add a new understanding that can be used to improve the effectiveness of the managers of public sector and private sector bank managers


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How to Cite

Binay Krishna Halder, & Dr. Madhumita Mohanty. (2021). Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Managerial Effectiveness: A Study of Public and Private Sector Bank Managers in West Bengal. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 6(1(4), 44–52. Retrieved from


