A Study on Medical Tourism Providers and Social and Political Risks in Kerala


  • Dr. A. Nishad Assistant Professor (Guest), Department of Commerce, Mannaniya College of Arts and Science, Pangode, TVM, Kerala, India.


Medical Tourism, Social, Political, Kerala


The study intends to survey the social and political performing artists for medical and the travel industry in Kerala from the medical tourism providers’ point of view. Medicinal Tourism has changed varying backgrounds. Independent of the age and sexual orientation factors, the industry reinforces the economy of the nation and tops off the trade hold of the country. It is a path through which the nation ventures itself to world. Interest for Medical service is expanding because of Continuous increment in Population and future. Most recent innovation and aptitude learning is added favourable position to nation. Consequently it winds up important to ponder the new measurements in the travel industry that can procure remote trade and produce work by giving incredible administration. In the present globalized world there is need of persistent learning and execution of new thoughts like medicinal the travel industry by wellbeing industry. Medical and the travel industry is moderately more established idea however nations comprehended the significance of this idea presently aftereffect of which Medical Tourism is developing quickly. Real favourable position of India according to as Medical Tourism concern is that India offers top class medical facilities at standard with any of the western nations. Indian clinics are having great framework, exclusive Medical facilities, well qualified doctors and very important competitive cost of treatment. The main focus can be on expanding the quantity of medicinal tourists just as keeping up and upgrading the nature of social insurance administrations at sensible expenses and furthermore guaranteeing moral issues.


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How to Cite

Dr. A. Nishad. (2021). A Study on Medical Tourism Providers and Social and Political Risks in Kerala. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 6(1(7), 88–93. Retrieved from https://researchersworld.com/index.php/ijms/article/view/1293


