A Comprehensive Study on Analogical Factors affecting Workplace Expectations of Different Generations


  • C-RIM Poonam Arora Assistant Professor St. Kabir Institute of Professional Studies Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.
  • Dr. Kavita P. Kshatriya Professor and HOD – IMBA Programme GLS University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.


Generational Diversity, Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials, Work Values, Workplace Expectations


Human beings mature and develop through different and inevitable life spans. Due to these spans there are related physical changes in their bodies, their relationships and their economic contexts and factors relating to life segmentation. Behavior of an individual is greatly stirred by these life stages which affect his working style and in turn his societal perceptions. Older people with more skill and experience of working are seen showing more maturity, better responsibility and working loyalty towards their organization as compared to young people. Different age groups of people create different generations that develop different value systems which impacts their behavior and the way they interact with people around them. Their working style is a significant factor impacting the work culture of any organization and therefore understanding this diversity among generations and the gap between them at workplace is important for smooth functioning of work.

Business in today’s competitive world is threatened by the well-documented demographic time bomb. In few years, world will observe people shortage rather than talent shortage for running businesses. Although most organizations are investing their time and resources trying to manage and boost diversity, what gets neglected and unread is the scale and the factors which make them antithetic. The paper depicts and elaborates different generations working presently in organizations defining their individual characteristics. We attempt to unveil factors on which these generations stand similar in their workplace expectations and detail out a comparison of factors which at the same time make them different. The paper also endeavors and suggests possible ways of managing generational diversity and avoiding the conflicts between them.


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How to Cite

C-RIM Poonam Arora, & Dr. Kavita P. Kshatriya. (2021). A Comprehensive Study on Analogical Factors affecting Workplace Expectations of Different Generations. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 6(1(7), 66–76. Retrieved from https://researchersworld.com/index.php/ijms/article/view/1290


