Vendor Evaluation – An Empirical Study with Special Reference to A Valve Industry in Tamilnadu


  • Dr. N.Nithya Associate Professor, Sona School of Management, Salem, India


Business Statistics, statistics application, vendor evaluation, valve industry, empirical study


This empirical study seeks to investigate vendor evaluation at a private valve industry which helps to identify the right sources of supply for the organization in getting   quality product. The present research identified factors influencing vendor evaluation and relationship that exists between the factors. The overall satisfaction of the vendor was also recorded in the study.  There are 34 vendors, supplying materials for Valve industry and those vendors were considered for this study. The present study is of descriptive nature, primary data were collected through questionnaire. The framework of analysis involves Reliability Analysis, ANOVA, Correlation Analysis, Descriptive Statistics and Regression Analysis and the findings of the study may enable the organization to understand the current state and also to identify the scope of improvement if any.


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How to Cite

Dr. N.Nithya. (2021). Vendor Evaluation – An Empirical Study with Special Reference to A Valve Industry in Tamilnadu. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 5(Spl Issue 5), 162–173. Retrieved from


