The Changing Pattern of Telecom Sector in India


  • Prof.M.Yadagiri Dean, Faculty of Commerce and Business Management, Telanagana University, Nizamabad, India
  • B.Rajaram Ph.D. Research Scholar, Department of Commerce, Telangana University, Nizamabad, India


Wireline, Wireless, Internet, Tele-density, Portability


The telecom sector is a vibrant and important sector which has been recognized world over as an important tool for socio economic development of a nation. Presently, telecommunications has evolved as a basic infrastructure like electricity & power, transportation, roads etc. With the advent of next-generation technologies 3G and 4G Broadband Wireless Access Services rolled out by operators, the demand for telecom equipment has increased. The Industry has grown over twenty times in just ten years, from under 37 million subscribers in the year 2001 to over 846 million subscribers in the year 2011. India now has the second largest telecommunication network in the world, next only to China. India crossed the landmark of one billion telephone subscribers in the year 2015-16. The total number of telephone users (both fixed and mobile phone) in India now is 1206.71 million subscribers as of September 2017.The government is offering various sops to industry to boost domestic manufacturing in the field of electronics.  According to a report by leading research firm Market Research Store, the Indian telecommunication services market will likely grow by 10.3 per cent year-on-year to reach US$ 103.9 billion by 2020.


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How to Cite

Prof.M.Yadagiri, & B.Rajaram. (2021). The Changing Pattern of Telecom Sector in India. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 5(Spl Issue 5), 85–104. Retrieved from


