
  • Dr. N. Srinivas Kumar Professor, SRTIST, Nalgonda, India


Emotional intelligence, IQ, team work, socioeconomic characteristics


IQ from long is used in order to understand natural intelligence of individuals. Intelligence per se doesn't reflect true needs of individuals and organizations. Intelligence only deals with mechanisms of collecting, organizing and managing the data. As such this intelligence as a cognitive construct plays only manipulation of data whereas organizations need much more deeper mechanisms to handle interpersonal and intrapersonal charades. Hence, there comes necessity for EI which is another complex cognitive construct that might play significant role in determining individual performance in general and organizational performance in particular. In this study the influence of emotional intelligence on team work is studies with the help of certain study variables. The data gathered with the help of structured questionnaire. Analysis was done by using descriptive statistics, correlation and multivariate regression. The individuals are mostly don't become emotional and they are not certain whether they can manage their emotions but when they are in teams they certain will not tolerate others becoming emotional and row discomfortable to such situations.


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How to Cite

Dr. N. Srinivas Kumar. (2021). A STUDY ON EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND ITS IMPACT ON TEAM PERFORMANCE. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 2(01), 81–91. Retrieved from https://researchersworld.com/index.php/ijms/article/view/1171


