Digital Wallet Adoption: A Literature Review


  • Priyanka Jain Research Scholar, The IIS University, Jaipur, India.
  • Dr. Shuchi Singhal Associate Professor, International School of Informatics & Management, Jaipur, India.


Digital wallet, mobile banking, technology acceptance model, innovation diffusion theory, risk, attitude


Electronic commerce(e-commerce) have continuous impact on global business scenario, but mobile applications and technologies have also begun to focus more on mobile banking, digital wallet, m-commerce and the wireless web. Against the various backdrops, digital wallet (e-wallet) has emerged as a new channel of distribution, without much research being devoted to its adoption. Therefore, the present studies analyses most of the previous studies done on mobile banking and digital wallet adoption. It also emphasizes on the customers attitude towards adoption of e- wallet. The findings of the study indicates that digital banking literature relies majorly on various theories i.e. technology adoption model, innovation diffusion theory, Rasch measurement model, revealing the adjustment(with lifestyle and device), perceived usage, perceived risk and usefulness, intention to adopt the technology and attitude towards adoption in developing and developed countries. This study makes several suggestions for further research in this area of digital banking. This study reflects the overall contribution of researchers in the field of internet, mobile and digital banking-in developing and developed country. The main theoretical contribution of this research is to various models. Banks should rely on increasing the usage of digital banking. Simultaneously, banks should put in efforts to decrease the risk associated with the use of digital banking.


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How to Cite

Priyanka Jain, & Dr. Shuchi Singhal. (2019). Digital Wallet Adoption: A Literature Review. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 6(Spl Issue 1), 01–11. Retrieved from


