A Study on Drivers of Employee Engagement in Private Educational Institutions in Cochin City, Kerala


  • P. Rohinikrishna Research Scholar, K.G College, Pampady, M.G University, Athirampuzha, Kottayam, Kerala, India.
  • Dr. Gangadathan Nair. D Supervising Guide, Associate Professor, S.V.R.N.S.S College, Vazhoor, Kottayam, Kerala, India.


Employee Engagement, Human Resource, Engagement Levels, Organizational Climate, Retention factors


In the modern challenging world, it is necessary for an organization to retain as well as engage its core asset, which is its employees. The engaged employee give their best in the organization as they work with their hearts. Educational sector being a sector of critical talent, the retention and engagement of its employees is a huge responsibility for HR. So, the concept of Employee Engagement arisen as an HR related activity, to achieve organizational objectives and goals effectively in this competitive and changing environment.

The study aims to gain a theoretical foundation about employee engagement and identify the major factors influencing the existing level of employee engagement in the Private Educational Institutions in Cochin City, Kerala, India. The data so collected through the structured questionnaire were subjected to exploratory factor analysis. The findings showed that major factors that influenced the engagement level of employees in the organization can be grouped under four heads namely, organizational factors, work relationship, individual relationship, and personal factors. The study concludes that every organization should identify and inculcate engagement factors in the organization to enhance its employee’s commitment towards the organization and job in an emotional, physical and cognitive way which will ultimately result in organizational success. The study put forward the scope of future research in the same field by increasing the sample size in term of the employees from one institution or number of private educational institutions.


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How to Cite

P. Rohinikrishna, & Dr. Gangadathan Nair. D. (2021). A Study on Drivers of Employee Engagement in Private Educational Institutions in Cochin City, Kerala. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 6(2(3), 24–34. Retrieved from https://researchersworld.com/index.php/ijms/article/view/1150


