The Job satisfaction level of employees of Sulfex Matress Company of Kerala and management strategies for enhancing output efficiency of workers- an organizational study


  • Deepu S. Assistant Professor, Centre for MBA, Dr. P. K. Rajan Memorial Campus Nileswaram, Puthariyadukkam PO, Kasaragod, Kannur University, India
  • Haritha Mohan P. V. Post Graduate Student in the Centre for MBA, India.


Employee satisfaction, Sulfex matress company, management strategy, Stress relief, employee motivation


Job satisfaction is one of the most crucial factor which affect both quality and quantity of work output which ultimately reflect in the company’s performance An organizational study was conducted at the Sulfex matress company of Kannur district, Kerala, India  to understand the working environment of the Company and analysed the dimensions of organizational employee satisfaction level by analyzing various factors affecting satisfaction level of employees. The chi square analysis of the primary data revealed that there existed no significant relationship between gender and job satisfaction level of the employees, between job satisfaction level and the department in which they are allotted to work and between gender and working environment satisfaction. Further, the Spearman’s rank correlation  analysis revealed that there existed strong positive correlation between superior subordinate relationship and job satisfaction level of employees. Based on the research analysis, suggested probable management strategies to relieve stress and to  motivate the workers to extract their maximum work output efficiency which will boost the performance of the company. The major lacuna observed in the company profile was poor marketing strategy. Periodical survey has to be conducted by the marketing wing  to know the market trends and the company has to conduct more advertisement activities. The marketing team needs to introduce brand ambassador for the product in order to create the brand image in the mind of customers. The company should offer good quality of products at a lower price to overcome competition.


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How to Cite

Deepu S., & Haritha Mohan P. V. (2021). The Job satisfaction level of employees of Sulfex Matress Company of Kerala and management strategies for enhancing output efficiency of workers- an organizational study. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 6(Spl Issue 4), 86–96. Retrieved from


