Female Leadership and Performance of Indian Banks


  • Dr. Monika Aggarwal Associate Professor, University Institute of Applied Management Sciences, Panjab University, Chandigarh, India.


Gender, Female CEOs, Indian Banking Sector, financial performance, asset quality, shareholders’ earnings


Women in top management and the firm performance has been the area of research interest across globe.  Inspite of positive impact as proved by many researches, still the proportion of women in top has been on the lower side in many countries including India. In Indian banking sector as well there are only few seats occupied by women on in the boards of banks. The present study endeavours to examine the effect of female CEOs on the performance of bank.  For this purpose database of 34 banks listed on Bombay Stock Exchange has been obtained for the period of 5 years starting from the year 2014 till 2018.  It was concluded that presence of female CEOs has a positive effect on performance of Indian banks.


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How to Cite

Dr. Monika Aggarwal. (2021). Female Leadership and Performance of Indian Banks. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 6(Spl Issue 4), 62–67. Retrieved from https://researchersworld.com/index.php/ijms/article/view/1005


